date: ?
city: Wayzata, MN
architect: Gar Hargens, AIA
A long time Close client decided to remodel her condominium in Wayzata, Minnesota. She wanted a gracious space to entertain friends and family and to display artwork and objects collected throughout her life. At the entry, Gar Hargens designed two sets of illuminated glass shelving units to present an extensive dish collection. The shelves create a foyer, heightening discovery of the stunning panorama of Lake Minnetonka. To hide existing ducts in the center of the space, Close Associates worked with GlassArt and Schuler & Shook of Minneapolis to create curved glass shrouds at the shelf ends, lit from within by electroluminescent film. The renovation included a new powder room, master bathroom, and kitchen. Close Associates also worked with Carol Belz Interiors and Streeter Construction to create a clean, contemporary feel.